A knitting gamer

My personal weblog about life, Knitting projects and video games. Yes, I am strange.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


So I've been working on these two at a time toe up socks on two circular needles, whew, that's a mouthful. Anyway, first I worked a couple too many rows before the first increases, which gave me these little "chimneys" at the top. Then I got past my toes and realized that the damn sox were going to be waaay to big, so I ripped out the whole thing. I pulled out one of the yarns I dyed, the mango one, and decided to start again. Here's a few photo's of what I've done so far....
Plus I included a photo of me modelling my felted cloche in-progress. hee hee
(you can see a bit of my stash containers behind my head. Maybe I'll do a little inventory and post my stash later on.)
I'll be over my parent's house tomorrow to visit and use the laundry facilities. I am going to be felting my Mom's bag and the needle holder, so wish me luck!!!


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