A knitting gamer

My personal weblog about life, Knitting projects and video games. Yes, I am strange.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Kool Aid Konfessions

Ok, so I know I am going to a yarn dyeing party tomorrow and it's gonna be a blast I can already guess. I just couldn't help myself, I had to try it out ahead of time to see how it all worked. Man was it ever EASY!!! Although my dumbass didn't tie my hank secure enough so during the cooking process and while I stirred it like the directions said a few times, my hank came apart. So when it was all done I was left with this PILE of yarn that's a pretty damn gorgeous color. =O) So I now have to sit here and try to untangle my mess and wrap it in a nice hank so that It can dry properly. I even brought it to work today to try and untangle it during my lunch. I found both end pieces, so I guess that's at least a start. =) I used grape kool aid and while my yarn was cooking I took red and blue food coloring and dropped random drops onto the yarn creating this neat sort of variegated effect. I'm quite happy with how it came out, but I'll feel better once it's untangled. =)


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