A knitting gamer

My personal weblog about life, Knitting projects and video games. Yes, I am strange.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Joey's Christening Outfit

Here are a few pictures of the Christening outfit that I am trying to make for my Godson, Joey. I still don't know when the Christening is, so I'm hoping I'll get to finish it before the day, instead of having to buy something. I think they are expensive. Anyways, wish me luck!! I have off again today because our phone company is coming out to fix our lines. "We'll be out between 8am and 7pm." Jeez, could they just give a smaller block of time? Dang! At least that give me time to work on the outfit. Plus I had to call maintenance to come out and fix my shower. The tiles are falling off the wall. Nice, huh? Oh well.....here I sit, waiting for someone to show up. It's 10:20 am and still no phone company or maintenance. I called Maint. exactly at 8:00am when they are on duty too. Blah................... All my husband cares about is how he's going to take a shower when they finally fix the walls. They'll have to rip everything out because it's all rotted behind the tiles. YUK! I just want it fixed. I'll wash in the sink if I have to. I pay enough rent for them to to the job right.


Blogger Tisha said...

They better do the job right, or make them do it again! The outfit looks great! what pattern are you using?

7/20/2006 1:14 PM  
Blogger coxie said...

Thanks! It's from a pattern booklet I picked up a while ago that has been sitting in my pile of knitting books. It's one of those ones that they always have hanging right on the racks by the yarn in Michaels. We were at my parents house in PA this weekend and I finished the back piece. I'll post another pic of it tomorrow. I'm hoping to get alot of the front done tomorrow too. I'll be home, yet again, waiting on maintenance. The phone company finally fixed my phone after two days of no dial tone.

7/23/2006 9:55 PM  

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